We are pleased to present for sale the black leather necklace cord made to extend the length of your necklaces and chains. Why have necklaces of only one length? When with just a small investment you can extend the length of your jewelry to accessorize your choice of attire. The black leather necklace cord is measured to be 3 millimeters wide and weighs just 5 grams so you hardly know you have it on.
To find the perfect length necklace for you it is best to start at your neck. This is where the necklace rests and what is happening on your neck is important. Necks are long, and short, thin, and thick, and each type of neck has a bearing on the length and even type of necklace that works best for your physique. Long necks can wear any length and type necklace, where a short necklace has a certain length that will look best when worn. Be sure to find what lengths work best for your necklace collection.