For sale we are proud to present this gorgeous cobalt chrome 7mm 3 blue sapphire domed wedding band which makes the perfect wedding ring. Months and months of planning and a significant amount of money go into your wedding day, but there are only a few things beyond memories that live on after that. One is the wedding ring that has been selected to represent the bond between two people in matrimony.
Our cobalt chrome 7mm 3 blue sapphire domed wedding band is made of the strongest metal alloys know to man and that makes it the perfect wedding band for one who uses their hands for hard work and hard play. Cobalt chrome is also 100% hypoallergenic so there is never any worry of an allergic reaction to the wedding band. We also are so sure of the quality of our full line of jewelry and wedding bands we offer a 100% lifetime warranty. Shop safe and secure today!
We also offer a matching 8MM ring.